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Friday, May 13, 2011

Thomas Walkom: But what does Layton’s NDP stand for? (in the Toronto Star)

"In the Commons, all parties are opportunistic. But the NDP under Layton has been unusually so — attacking the government at every turn without attempting to determine if its various critiques contradict one another, settling for the easiest or most popular position rather than one best aligned with its principles. ...

"If the NDP had a coherent overall game plan, none of this might matter. Democratic politics is complicated. Even Harper’s Conservatives take one step back for every two forward.

"But Harper also has something larger in mind. He wants to transform Canada into a different kind of society, where collective action through government is minimized, where markets rule and where individuals are given freer rein to accumulate as much as they can.

"Does the NDP these days have an overarching notion of where the country should go and how it can get there? If so, I don’t see it."

Full article: Walkom: But what does Layton’s NDP stand for?.

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