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Friday, June 29, 2012

Geoff Dembicki: The taboo tax the energy industry (not-so) secretly wants (in The Toronto Star)

"What would it take, I wondered, to create an oilsands sector that both the “for” and “against” sides could live with?

"Was it even possible?

"After months of interviewing dozens of insiders on both sides of the debate, I reached a surprising conclusion. ... They actually agree on quite a bit.

"In particular, they agree on the one issue you might expect would most divide them: the economic price on CO2 that the Harper cabinet has denounced as a killing machine for Canadian jobs.


"Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has merely dismissed the idea as “crazy economics” and a “crazy environmental policy.”

"Yet the most recent academic inquiry confirms my own findings. A study released earlier this week by researchers at British Columbia’s Simon Fraser University after they surveyed business, community, civil society and academic leaders on that province’s unique-in-Canada economy-wide carbon tax, found that “a strong majority (64 per cent)” felt the policy has had positive consequences to date."

Full article: The taboo tax the energy industry (not-so) secretly wants.