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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

David Roberts: Hawks vs. scolds: How ‘reverse tribalism’ affects climate communication (in Grist)

"What the public wants and needs is a sense of what climate change means, how it fits into their worldview, what values and feelings to associate with it. ...

"That’s the key missing ingredient on climate change: not a technical understanding of stochastic modeling, forensic attribution, and degrees of probability, but a visceral, more-than-intellectual sense of what climate change means. Most people simply lack a social and ethical context for it, so they end up jamming it into other, more familiar contexts (“big government,” “environmental problem,” “liberal special interest group”).

"A storm like Sandy provides an opportunity for those who understand climate change to help construct that context."

Full article: Hawks vs. scolds: How ‘reverse tribalism’ affects climate communication.