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Monday, January 21, 2013

Tom Mulcair: It is not too late for the prime minister to ... begin a new dialogue with First Nation, Inuit and Métis peoples (in The Toronto Star)

"When Europeans came to this land and interacted with the indigenous people living here, they made treaties on a nation-to-nation basis. While Canada was still a colony, the Royal Proclamation of 1763, exactly 250 years ago, actually used the word “nations” to describe the indigenous peoples.

"But this relationship has suffered from years of federal government policies based on segregation, and then assimilation. Policies that led to tragic social injustices and denied indigenous communities a full seat at the table where consensus could be built and where the rights of consent and consultation could be respected. ...

"The Canadian family shares a tremendous inheritance, but the Government of Canada has been a poor trustee.

"It is not too late for the prime minister to rise above the petty partisanship that too often drives his government and change course. To begin a new dialogue with First Nation, Inuit and Métis peoples to replace the broken relationship he has helped create."

Tom Mulcair calls for respectful, nation-to-nation relations with aboriginal peoples.

Tom Mulcair is Leader of the Official Opposition in the Parliament of Canada.