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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tim Harper: Federal budget 2012: More subterfuge hidden inside The Trojan Horse bill (in The Toronto Star)

"“If the House cannot hold the government of the day to account, then why have the House at all?’’ [NDP House leader Nathan] Cullen asked.

"“If Members of Parliament cannot do their jobs and cannot go back to their constituents with a clear conscience and understanding of the legislation that has been brought before us and its implications, then why are Members of Parliament in the service of Canadians at all? They are not.’’"

Full article: Canada News: Tim Harper: Federal budget 2012: More subterfuge hidden inside The Trojan Horse bill.

Another article on the "ominous" omnibus bill, by R. Michael Warren, former corporate director, Ontario deputy minister, TTC chief general manager and Canada Post CEO: .